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Chocolate pudding recipe

Chocolate pudding
4 pack white gelatin
1 can sweetened condensed milk chocolate
45 g cocoa powder
350 grams sugar / taste to taste
little salt

1. Mix sweetened condensed milk, cocoa powder, sugar and salt (not over the fire)
2. After the mixture evenly over the new material put over the fire, cook until

cooked / boiled
3. Turn off heat, stir in gelatin mixture until the steam is lost (lukewarm),
pour into a pudding mold with a screened'll become smooth,
This pudding chocolate taste at all, for those who like a little sweet, can be presented with

Vanilla Vla
2 egg yolks btr
50 g cornstarch
500 ml fresh milk
75 g sugar

1 tbs rhum / taste to taste
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