Soft Chocolate Pudding Recipe
1 packet (145 grams) PESTAA chocolate cream pudding, chocolate flavor
400 ml water, 2 egg whites
500 ml sweet orange juice
100 grams granulated sugar
6 cm cinnamon
8 pimento seeds
1 piece of pineapple, cut into fan shape
2 apples, diced
cooking chocolate, melted
1. Pudding: prepare a 600 ml size round baking pan, set aside. Boil water,
enter PESTAA chocolate pudding cream, stir well and cook for 5
minutes, remove from heat. Beat egg whites until stiff, enter the batter pudding
pineapple, mix well and pour into pan, chill.
2. Cook the sweet orange juice with sugar, cinnamon and cloves,
after boiling, remove, get rid of steam heat, insert snippet
fruit and store in refrigerator.
3. Presentation: prepare a dish put the pudding, pour the sauce and filling,
inlaid with cooking chocolate that has melted.