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Mandarin recipe chocolate pudding

1 roll ready-made sponge roll
1200 ml fresh milk
2 packets of white powder gelatin
125 g granulated sugar
2 egg yolks, beaten
yellow dye
sweet orange essences
200 g canned Mandarin oranges, drained

chocolate pudding Method:
Prepare a baking sheet apart pairs (spring form) diameter 21 cm. Slice cake crosswise roll 0.75 cm. Arrange the sponge roll slices in the bottom and around the pan. Cook milk, sugar, and gelatin while stir until boiling. Shrink fire. take little hot gelatin mixture, stirring with egg yolks until blended. Pour back into the hot dough. Mix well. Give a drop of yellow dye and a drop of citrus essences. Mix well. Lift. Enter the Mandarin oranges, stir until the steam is lost. Pour into the pan containing the sponge roll and allow it to cool and hard. Cut into pieces. Serve with custard filling, if desired.
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